Refer a client looking to buy or sell in Washington State and you will receive a higher than normal referral fee.
Joyce & Terry offer healthy compensation for referred buyers and sellers.
Clients looking to sell also benefit from discounted listing commissions as they strive for a client win, a referred broker win, and Joyce & Terry win!
Example 1: If referral buys a $300,000 recreational property listed for 3% selling office commission (SOC), your referral compensation would be $2,700 USD or $3,500 CDN, dependent on exchange rate.
Example 2: If referral buys a $1,200,000 USD low bank waterfront home currently listed with a 5% SOC to attract buyers and their agents, your referral compensation would be $18,000 US dollars or $23,760 CDN
Clients looking to buy also benefit from healthy closing gifts in appreciation of allowing us to find a property for them, and their referring broker receives a 30% selling office commission referral fee.